ChartworksKit Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in ChartworksKit.h


This is the public interface file for the ChartworksKit SDK. This class also contains the current copyright and version of the framework.

Copyright and Version

+ copyrightWithConfiguration:

Copyright information to be shown in the about dialog for any apps using this framework.

+ (NSString *)copyrightWithConfiguration:(CWKConfiguration *)configuration

Return Value

The current copyright information.

Declared In


+ version

Provides the version number of the Framework as a string.

+ (NSString *)version

Return Value

The current version of the framework.

Declared In


+ validateChartEngineWithConfiguration:

Check to see if ChartworksKit is compatible with the project version of the charting engine. In the future this will be used to fail the creation of the CWKView should the engine not validate for now it just logs its findings to the console.

+ (BOOL)validateChartEngineWithConfiguration:(CWKConfiguration *)configuration



The CWKConfiguration object used when initing CWKView.

Return Value

TRUE if Charting Engine is validated, FALSE if not.

Declared In


+ validateBundleIsIncluded

Check that the Chartworks.bundle is available for ChartworksKit to access.

+ (BOOL)validateBundleIsIncluded

Return Value

TRUE if bundle is available, FALSE if not

Declared In
